excuse the blurry pictures, it was late so no sun!
greasingThis week has been really poor in activities; all my tantrum driven toddler wanted to do is complaining and/or watching a movie, so I got the habit of packing them in their spring coat and outdoor we went. Or course the little dinosaur 8½month old, 8 teethed, growling baby don't want to go off mommy a second... I think using the word exhausted to describe my self isn't abusive.
preparing the doughAfter a very very mentally hard day
(how about non-stop 4h of "AHHH! NOoooooo! I DON'T!!!!") I proceeded into washing the dishes after souper and, miracle, the toddler wanted to help! So enjoying the fact that she wasn't shouting anything and seemed open to participate, I took out the bowl of bread dough from the fridge. I already told you about
5 min artisan bread but haven't write you a real feedback yet. So there it is!
replacing the doughThe recipe is really simple and so is the bread to make. I know it by heart now and it really takes no time and gives you a so, so better bread than anything you could buy off a rack (of course!). Their basic way to cook it, a boule, wasn't the best for us as this bread is mostly consumed as breakfast, therefor is toasted, so I took out my loaf pan (and followed instructions indicated in the book for a moisty white sandwich loaf). Mariann even took out her toy one (a real one, just tiny) and so has her mini loaf as well. You bet she loves it!
mixingI don't have the baking stone and the steam thing but my bread come out just great. It's moist and toast very well and is good with anything on it; either brie or almond choco spread or peanut butter+banana... It also making really good sandwich, and I feel good making an organic loaf of bread for my family to enjoy... knowing 100% what goes in their mouth! I don't know exactly how cheaper it is... I shall count it one day.
I've halven the recipe and I add whole grain wheat and rye to my mix. I usually grease my pan with olive oil. I would make the full recipe but only have a container able to hold the half...
letting riseOf course, I couldn't let you go without some cuteness.
On s'aime fort!Merrick started opening his mouth to welcomed kisses! He also started to move his butt a little. Oh, growing so fast. He still can't avoid Mariann's crisis of affection (and there are a lot of them in a day!)..Now instead of saying "I love you" she says what can be translated as "We love each other a lot".
Oh yes we do... but for tonight I love the fact that they are both asleep, my dishes are washed, ny laundry done and my time to spare!
And before I forget, this weekend lots of you will celebrate Easter, maybe you'd like to check
the felt bunny tutorial I made last year!