Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh Spagetti!

I can't think of something I did worth showing you this week.
Here's what I did instead of crafty project: Boxes.
boxes of dishes, boxes of cloths, LOTS of boxes of books.
And those are now all pilled on in corners of each room! Ah! Can't wait to move!

I would have loved to work on the island project but I had really little time, and I couldn't find a way to now how much it would cost to have a proffesional butcher block top compared to store bought block fitted together.

There a "under 15$" project I might do tomorrow, in order to participate to my own linky party.
I started planning our meals for the week on the sunday before this sunday, now that Papa Tattoo is back to school.
It's wonderfull! I'm so glad I started this. I'm surprised how effective it is and how much I can relate to it. My project will probably be about that.
You know, I NEED a fancy booklet, uh?

Have a great week, ladies!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

HIGHLIGHTS! My Project under $15

First of all, THANKS!

It had lots more of success then I thought it would. This is awesome! Thank you all ladies that entered. (the 19 of you!)

My personnal favorite (I'll limite myself to 3, ok?)

Kim got a gorgeous red clock in her red Kitchen.


Traci transformed her TV cabinet.


Ashley redo her bench.

Thanks again for enterring ladies!

I'm moving next week, but I'll try hard to it again.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009



I didn't really have a special inspiration for the baby shoes
But since I have some time to spare:
Here's some "boutique" shoes on etsy:

Those one a delicious and looks comfortable.

prettylittle, 36$

a bit too pricy to me, for the time She could wear those.

This idea is gorgeous. I have a pink pair of flip flop (size 2) And I might just do that.

rockkandy sells them 10$

Now those are not that great looking, but they are to ones that most look-a-like what I did. I really don't like the beading thing, and part from that, they've just change the shoelace for skull ones. Oh yeah, the one at left are converse.
still, hold on to your mouse.
Those are
respectivly $89.99 USD and $44.99 USD at dara43

Now Mine :

More angles and how-to here:

Some new *old* shoes

thanks for looking!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New hardware for a freebee

It's actually a whole set; The dresser, the nightstand and the bed with drawers underneath it. (there was a headboard too, but it was SO ugly! Nothing to do with it....)
And all that for free! Yay!

But. There was stickers everywhere.
Now, excuse the silhouette. There's really little light coming in my basement.

You girls are used to those kind of thing, and you already know the solution; New hardware! (And rip those stickers!)
White fits the color sheme for my daughter's room, so I was okay not painting it. Plus there is no scratch watsoever. (on a furniture a girl owned for 18 years?)
Anyway, after some help from Hertel Multi-Surface and 3 different kind of screwdrivers, it gave this:

I'm not fond on the yellow ones, but it will do till I find something better. I love the flowers!
You can't tell much but there's 2 purple ones and 2 pink ones :)

3 simple handles about 4$
4 flowers knob about 10$

Oh, this could enter my under 15$ project linky I'll set this wenesday...

I'm enterring this in all those, too:


And then, still in my basement, after a cousin of my boyfriend got back the stuff she put in while she was searching for a new rental - And there was LOTS of stuff!- My boyfriend found this:

And thought it could interrest me.

He knows me!
The second I saw it I wanted it to be our new island for our new kitchen.
And look what I found inside!

There is 6 of them.
Plus 2 of another kind that I don't like much...
So now I'm asking myself if I keep it that color and distress it even more...
Of if I paint it white or ... I don't know.
I will find some wheels for it, and butcher blocks.
Oh, It will be pretty!


And there is my daughter playing momy in her freshly done rocker

And I did this for her yesterday:

the before and after is in my previous post, Some new *old* shoes

thanks for stopping by today!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Some new *old* shoes

How about taking these already lovely pink sneakers (size 2) that I had for free at a thrift store...

And turn them into those punk ladies...

I'm the kind of person that draws all the time, and so made up character to draw all the time...
You can see Fantomp the Octopus....

...And Butterbeer the Crab.

I used:

Jo Sonja's Textile Medium
Americana Black
0 size Paint brush
Black shoestrings with white skulls on it

Other views:

Thanks for looking!


In order to enter this post to the party, I'm listing the cost for them:


Had the shoes for free, cut a shoes string a had laying around in half, used paint my mom gave me, and a paint brush she also gave to me.
totaly free, now that's punk!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Furniture in use

When she woke up yesterday, and ran out of the room like she always does, she found that:

She said several Ohhhh and Waaaaw (which made up for all the hours I've put in those furniture!)

And she loved to rock the baby!

And she began hugging stuff lately (plush, paint bottles, spoon...) It's so cute!

And this is what we spent our saturday on:

Lots of sun, mud and 4x4. The boyfriend was delighted!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Yellow Furniture!

Remember those very blah kid size rocker and crib?

Finally, I'm done painting them!

Hopefully, I won't have to paint anything yellow before a long time!
IF I paint the dresser.... it will be green. or pink. or white again. But not yellow!

I wanted to take picture when it sunnier but we had to eat, etc....
I'll take nicer one with my daugther trying them!

I'm participating in Make Your Monday !

the 31st Metamorphosis Monday and A Give-a-Way for Blogoversary Week.

Since it was pretty sunny, I took nice pictures of what I see from my front door:

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Inspirations post!

Since I can't say it enough, I'm moving at the end of the months.
Boxes are smilling at me at the corner of each room.

Now; must link to my red soulmate.
I finally found someone loving red as much as I do!
Made me remember, my kitchen wall, at our new appartment, is which color?


What a bonus! Not even needing to put the extra effort of painting the 3 coats of red! Awesome! Faboulus!

I've shown this one last month; I'm still in love with it...
The kitchen will be really small, like, four bottom panels and 4 above panels. Easy and quick enough to make over...
Now, I'm asking myself if switching the color might work...
red wall with sage cabinet?
I browse google and found none...
But; here's some green cabinets:
(there's was really few meeting my taste...)

I love that they are two tones; I love the glass shelves on the windows, and I love the dark wood island/table. such a nice warm touch!

Love the open shelf (but I don't have enough to play with...)

But like on the first inspiration pic, I'd keep the above cabinet white.

And something I'll desesperatly try to incorporate; Plate rack.

The place above my sinc (the only place I could put some or so...) Is on a window. But I love the look of see-throught shelves. This is way to modern for me thought.

Something like this

or that

would be mostly likely to fit me; those two are sold something like 80£ each...

which made me google "how to build a plate rack" :

okay, far beyond my craft skills....

Ah, I might find something that works whitout having to built it or pay too much for it...

I had never thought of putting it to an island (as I previously said; those are not traditional in Québec) And I'll need a island in that kitchen.

And changing subject (and room) Guess what I will try to cover our entryway/mudroom floor with?

And since our appart get it's access from the inside (got you, winter!) with an independant staircase, I urge to do something like this:

Can't wait to move!