Sunday, August 23, 2009

New hardware for a freebee

It's actually a whole set; The dresser, the nightstand and the bed with drawers underneath it. (there was a headboard too, but it was SO ugly! Nothing to do with it....)
And all that for free! Yay!

But. There was stickers everywhere.
Now, excuse the silhouette. There's really little light coming in my basement.

You girls are used to those kind of thing, and you already know the solution; New hardware! (And rip those stickers!)
White fits the color sheme for my daughter's room, so I was okay not painting it. Plus there is no scratch watsoever. (on a furniture a girl owned for 18 years?)
Anyway, after some help from Hertel Multi-Surface and 3 different kind of screwdrivers, it gave this:

I'm not fond on the yellow ones, but it will do till I find something better. I love the flowers!
You can't tell much but there's 2 purple ones and 2 pink ones :)

3 simple handles about 4$
4 flowers knob about 10$

Oh, this could enter my under 15$ project linky I'll set this wenesday...

I'm enterring this in all those, too:


And then, still in my basement, after a cousin of my boyfriend got back the stuff she put in while she was searching for a new rental - And there was LOTS of stuff!- My boyfriend found this:

And thought it could interrest me.

He knows me!
The second I saw it I wanted it to be our new island for our new kitchen.
And look what I found inside!

There is 6 of them.
Plus 2 of another kind that I don't like much...
So now I'm asking myself if I keep it that color and distress it even more...
Of if I paint it white or ... I don't know.
I will find some wheels for it, and butcher blocks.
Oh, It will be pretty!


And there is my daughter playing momy in her freshly done rocker

And I did this for her yesterday:

the before and after is in my previous post, Some new *old* shoes

thanks for stopping by today!


  1. OH, those tough little sneakers are adorable! And what a find those old pulls are- you must have some grand plans for them already! Great job removing those stickers, I bought a house with a whole bedroom decorated in stickers, so I know how painful they can be to remove- UGH!
    Thanks for sharing!
    - Meg

  2. Wow! It looks completely different! Nice work! ~Ashley~ Shanty2chic

  3. Neat-o projects! Those little shoes just make me crack-up-SO cute!

    Stop by...

    love, kelee

  4. I love redoing furniture, I just don't get to very often. You really did a great job!

  5. Love the vintage handles and your "new" furniture is wonderful. The little shoes are just the best. Hugs, Marty

  6. I love DIY projects-so fun and so satisfying.

    I hope you will come over and check out this weeks Knock off and I bet you have some things you could post to the KNOCK OFF KNOCK OUT Party.
    Its So Very Cheri

  7. What a great dresser transformation! It sure was in great shape to begin with - I don't know any child who doesn't beat up their furniture!

    I can't wait to see your island! I love the handles you found inside. My daughters have the same ones on their bedroom dresser!

  8. Great dresser transformation. It cleaned up nicely and I love the little flower knobs! So cute.

    Your island is going to be gorgeous! I can't wait to see it!

    And you already know I think the shoes are so adorable! Great job (as usual)!


  9. Great job! Amazing that those stickers came off so well. I actually like the contrast of the flower knobs and the simple yellow ones. Looking forward to seeing your completed island one day!

  10. How in the world does that dresser look so good after 18 years??? My boys have destroyed their stuff in less than 8!

    And those drawer pulls are so intricate, I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  11. Those flowery knobs are adorable, they really add the "cute factor" to the dresser. what a great find!


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