Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Halloween Esty Founds

I won't do another pumpkin post
But I'll provide you with charming Halloween stuff.

It's the only reason I can get to enjoy automn, really.
Usually at Halloween here, there is already snow.

Now wonder why I'd like to make something like this for my daughter:

(I would need to add gloves!)

Or like this:

Now the great Halloweeny stuff.
I must confess to you. I am a witch. (Well, in my heart at least!)
I love everything cauldron and potion, skulls, spiders, ghosts, you name it!
I have a collection of Witch's Hat. (My latest addition was the purple felting with yellow bow MINI one. It fitted Bébé Tattoo last year but it definitly won't this year!)

Halloween Dinner Place Setting

Green Witch Shoes

Autumn Wonder Quilt

Simmering Cauldron - Felted Halloween Bowl or Bag

Vintage SUSIE black suede buckled booties 6

Cauldron Pot


  1. Oh my goodness that first costume is so cute! I want to buy it even though I don't have kids :)

  2. I LOVE those costumes, especially the first!! Course, the kids would probably melt in that, here in Florida.

    Those skeletons & mummies are adorable.


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