Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween Stuff!

I'm the one organizing the Halloween swap on the hair forum this year; and Here's all the Halloweeny goodies I made for my swapie:

First, my big project (and fav) A Cooking Spellbook, inspired by Hocus Pokus :)

Filled with magical recipe; True Blood, Waffles Wands, Edward's Kiss, Butterbeer....

My second bag I ever make, and the most intricate! I tried making a buttercup bag... The hoppening is very narrow.... But I like it anyway ...

It's lined with Orange burlap

The inside of the Halloween couture kit, for fun (it might interest the most curious...):

one of the tiny pumpkin pincushion inside

Her fav color is deep purple, and those were so cute I bought them.

Inside are really salted pumpkin seeds... Made it look like it was coming out of Honeydukes...

I made little pouch for everything, too.

If you were wondering how I made the Spellbook;
-Reused a cereal box.
-Made a white ball out of modeling clay, stuck a teady bear eye on it (I cruelly destroy plush to reuse their eyes...)
-Shape a first layer of eyelid with red modeling clay, the nexts with newspaper+modpodge
-Newspaper for the other relief too; paint it all in brillant red, played with paint after; brown, lighter shades of red, black, etc...
-Sew along the relief I made
-Had the "silver" details.
-Modpodge scrapbook paper inside the book (so you couldn't see the big roster anymore, ahah) and hide the sewing
-attached rubans, which holds the page. I was going to handbound it but I figure it would take 3 eternity....

I'd like to add this post to Reoshell's über-super-very cool Fall linky!

The DIY Show Off

And the DIY Day, too!

Thanks for looking!


  1. That spellbook is really something. You are very talented. I love the textures!

  2. Love the spell book. Very creative. Your little girl is so cute in your header.

  3. She's going to love all of those 'treats'. Great job!

    Thanks for adding your creativity to the Fall Festival! ;)


  4. Wow, I love it, what a cute project, your soooo creative! Stop by for a visit soon.

  5. That book is so creepy, and SO fabulous! You'll totally have to open your own store one day. :)

  6. Hocus pocus is my FAVORITE movie of all time. I could never get sick of it. I love that book.




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