Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Caramel recipe


This is a total hit every time I make some (c.i. : the BF can eat a jar for himself with a spoon in 3 days or so... ). And it's really, really easy.

1/4 cup of butter.
It state unsalted but mine was and it tastes really good so...
1 1/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of milk
3/4 cup of corn syrop
1 can of Eagle bran

What to do with all that
  1. In a bain-marie, melt the butter.

  2. Add everything else. Mix.

  3. Cook on low, uncovered, for 20 minutes and then cover for 40 minutes de plus. NEVER STIR.

  4. Take out of the fire and let rest for 5 minutes.

  5. With a wooden spoon, stir for 1 or 2 minutes, or until you get the consistence you want.

  6. Pur in mason jar (or any jar...) and put in the fridge for 2h.

It was delicious after 2h hours and even better the next morning on my toasts!
But the recipe only gave me a Mason jar and a 2/3.

Do you make your caramel?
Do you have your own recipe?

If not, try this and

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