Wednesday, January 27, 2010


January altar,now covered with Imbolc goodies for a swap partner on craftster

I really, really don't know much about Imbolc.

It's a totally new celebration to me. I wouldn't be a good Wiccan, I know that.
Even if I've been familiar with paganism for about 10 years, I've never been much interested by the festivities, well those that wasn't already part of my culture. Of course, Samhain and Yule were the first, easily incorporated. Also Litha, which is meant to be celebrate around a bonfire; St-Jean Baptiste, Québec's National day, in celebrated with a bonfire on July 24th. And Ostara, easter never was about Jesus in my house. But pretty much every other Sabbaths are new to me; even if I understand instinctively the Sabbaths on equinoxes and solstices, I'm still researching for information about the true purpose of Beltane, Lughnasad and, the one concerning us right now, Imbolc.

Happily enough for me, great Pagans like Mrs.B writes nice articles about Imbolc, PaganDad does that, too. Hey, even Wiki can be useful!

So now I know a little more what Imbolc is about. Yet again, I still don't feel like I know much. It's seems to be a very light, simple Sabbath. It's attached to femininity and fire. It's a time for cleansing and welcoming Spring. Dairies should be honored, as well as cakes, cookies and meat.

I at least will be able to prepare a proper meal for Imbolc!

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