Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day ?: Pâté chinois

First, there's nothing chinese about this recipe, and it's not even a pâté.
Then why is it called Pâté chinois?
When they built the CN track they engaged lots of asian, and their regular lunch meal was the recipe I'm about to show you.
It's easy, cheaps, and really good.

2L of steak
1 can of cream corn
1 can of nibblets
4-5 good size potatoes
half an onion

What to do:
Peel and cut your potatoes, boil them, smash them, reserve.
Cook your steak with your chopped onion. Take a pyrex and put your meat.

Open your cans and put them on the meat.

Put your smashed potatoes on that

Put in oven at 350F for 15 min or so



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