Oh, I didn't even had my green dresser this weekend.
I've been neglecting this blog, and I don't have much to show or say. I'm even loosing followers!
I bought a new crib and my daughter's room is going to be re-think, to fit a toddler bed it it. I also want to find a nice girly wallpaper to put on the back of the bookcase, and that *&?$& chandelier needs to be installed. But what you do when you only have a chair and your 4'10" to install something on a 9' ceiling??
For those of you who don't mind me being pagan, you can check out The pagan Side where I'm gonna be posting a recipe each day or so all month long, as a participation to Mrs.B's retro-cooking month at Confession of a Pagan Soccer Mom, my newest favorite blog.
I've also updated Playing with your food with a batch of chocolate Muffins and a strawberry cake.
Hope you still love me a little! I'm sorry for all those who follow, but I miss money and somewhat time to make house project, in my apartment.
Hope you have a wonderful week, and a Happy Imbolc for those who knows what it is ;)
I just wanted to let you know, I am still happily following you:) Have a great week.