Friday, February 5, 2010

The Will Spell

I don't do spell often, but a little before Yule, I made one.

image taken here

I wanted to re-enforce my will. I'm a lazy girl; I can't seem to get up early, I don't fold the laundry right away... I avoid washing the dishes, I postpone home project... You see what I mean.

I did a really simple spell; I've lighten my altar, cast a circle, called the corner, and asked the Goddess for some will. I thanked her, the corners, sent the energy back and it was done.

And for the past week I really see it worked. House is cleaner, I did some stuff I needed to do in the house, and there's never more then one load to fold. The dishes are clean, too! All that because I have more will to get up on the morning.

I had really bad news about my aunt yesterday. She had a brain surgery to remove a tumor.
They first told us she was dead. Some hours later, they told us she was an induce coma with severe brain damage. if she can breath by her own mean when they wake her up, she will most probably stay in a vegetative state for the rest of her life. She's 44. Maybe she's dead for real as I'm writing, I'll only have news tonight.

You can understand I didn't felt like doing much today... Yet I got up, did my chores and took care of my baby. With a lot of pain in my chest, by I did it.

If you feel lazy, ask for will, it really help!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad your spell worked!
    I hope your aunt is okay... Sending healing energy as we speak!


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