Monday, March 8, 2010

Butterbeer the Crab; A tutorial

For a long time now I wanted to do this: A Butterbeer The Crab plushie!

I've taken red felt and started cutting freehand and pattern-less. I draw this little guy often enough! If you want a pattern, ask and I'll draw you one :

I've started stitching the legs (blanket stitch) on the middle, it's easier to fill it after.

I've attached the legs and stitched the body, stitching over one side.

Then I turned Butterbeer around and stitched the holes

Got him some eyes

And pupils

And my signature; Two half moons :) on his butt



  1. Well, there you are! I love this plushy and almost wish my kids were young again to make them one...almost :)

  2. butterbeer is just too cute for words! i love him!! i might just have to make a certain kiddo a crab buddy for percy :)

  3. I love this! We're headed to the beach for spring break- this would be a great addition to our trip... :)
    we have a friday fun finds party... if you're interested, we'd love it if you'd link up this week!


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