Friday, March 19, 2010

Ostara...Why Bunnies and Eggs ended up partying with Jésus

image taken

If you're interested a tad bit into History, you know most of the Holidays as a pagan root. Thought growing up in a mildly catholic region, my mom chose not to get me baptized and Easter was really much more about chocolate and eggs in my family.

Transferring Pâques (French for Easter) to Ostara wasn't much of a problem for me. Instead of changing the date each year, I stick around March 21st. (The equinox is March 20 for the northern hemisphere this year).

I could do this the complicated way and talk about the Goddess Eostre (which might have never existed)and eggs (which might be a tradition coming from Middle East instead of europe) but I'll simply state what this holidays means to me like I did for Imbolc.

The neo-pagan tradition is pretty much made up with lots of bits of other tradition, yet what always comes up is symbol.

Basicly, I celebrate spring. I love spring. Winter here in Québec is really harsh, often confinding us to our homes because the weather is too cold or dangerous (even with our snow-tires). I'm so happy when the sun start warming the earth; I love not having to put on boots to get out of the house, I love that my baby is able to move in her light spring coat.

It's a time of the year I'm glad to celebrate. It's an equinox, always reminding your should have a balance; Night and Day, your inner male and female aspect.

It's always a time to celebrate fertility; earth that will soon offer us flowers, the dairy animal who gave birth... Our own human fertility. Did you know most birth happened on March and April (according to a statistic from Québec anyway).

Tomorrow I'll be celabrating with my mom and daugther. We won't do anything special since my daugther is so young, but I'll find something to make it special anyway :)

I leave you with my little fairy....

Happy Ostara!


  1. Excellent entry Andréann. Really, really brilliant.

  2. I love your blog! Many blessings for a beautiful Ostara!

  3. Love it! I feel it is very important to not only embrace the holiday or spiritual path, but make it your own. Tailor it to fit into your life and you do just that!

    And I have to say she is my favorite faery!

  4. Interesting stuff! Love paganism. I don't know enough about it, except that it makes such perfect sense to me. Maybe your blog is where I'll learn what I need to know!!

  5. Couldn't agree with you more. I love celebrating spring and its rich symbolism. It's so great to find a kindred spirit!


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