Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Crafting, again and again...and a bit of beltane prep

It's one of those weeks where I craft tons and can't show any; they are all for swaps and posting the items here will spoil some people's surprise!

I've embellished 5 tees, 1 I made from scratch!
I'm making various stuff for Beltane (3 items done so far), and one for a Garden swap (2 items done). I'm also into a Punk Toddler Swap but I'm waiting on my partner still.

Cow Diaper made by Ilovesnails

I've started using the cloth diapers... the more waterproof ones since my covers are still where we lived before. My daugther seems happy in them :)

I'm also slowly thinking of what we will be doing for Beltane. The BF will be over the head with studies of course...

But I'll find some nice toddler friendly activity; maybe a mini may pole or just showing her own to dance with ribbons, green man mask out of felt... We'll be cooking together, of course!
We'll probably dress up and dance around. Hurray for Youtube, having great pagan songs my daugther loves (she sings, too!)

Beltane Song
From the Pagan and Wiccan Parenting Page

Good Bye Winter,
Good bye Winter,
Good bye Winter,
Good bye Winter,
We wish you'd leave us now.
(replace the following words for "Winter:" snow, slush, snowsuits, cold wind, and any thing else the children come up with.)
Come back Springtime,
Come back Springtime,
Come back Springtime,
We wish you'd come today.
(replace the following words for "Springtime:" green grass, flowers, birds, and any thing else the children come up with.)

In very deed, Come Back Spring!!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate Beltane with your daughter. I love the song.

    I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet, but I suspect I'll get up very early to greet the sun as he rises and just enjoy the morning. Maybe have a picnic in the afternoon, some baking for sure and a simple ritual at some point. :)

  2. I've also been thinking about how to celebrate Beltane with my family. I thinking of doing a makeshift maypole and some baking. I LOVE that song. We will definitely be singing that. My DH will be working, so it will just be me and the kids.


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