Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's day!!

He's the result of the profesional photoshot from last week. Those are my 5 favorites, and I had to look for them. The free one he developped was the one I like the least :(

But it was free! It was a great experience and only last 20min... So I wasn't expecting much either.

I've got to say Mariann's way more photogenic than me!

I'll have some mother's day gift to show you tomorrow :)


  1. Those are lovely! Happy Mother's Day! :)

  2. Beautiful pics! Those are seriously amazing! God! I been meaning to get professional one's done of me and the Spawn and now you just reminded me of that!

  3. you look beautiful :)both of you!

  4. These are beautiful! I especially like the first one, the expression on your daughter's face is adorable. Although, I like the one where she's playing doctor too.

    Happy Mother's Day dear!

  5. Those are fantastic pictures. I don't think enough people get pregnancy pictures taken and those should be memorable not just for you but also for your daughter.

  6. Beautiful as always my dear, It has been a long time since we talked.


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