Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's been more than a year... Where is this blog going?

I really wonder.

I first started MamanTattoo (my first blog) to record the making of my daughter's room, which I still adore, but I feel my blog as completely derived from the decor blog it first was. As I rethink about it, I still love decor, but I don't have money for it, and it became less of a priority...

The Yellow Room

Somewhere in August last year I found All those tutorials, and swaps!...This blog turned more into a crafty blog, and this part of the blog is still alive today. (And all around the computer stands tons of crafting supplies and wip projects...)

Then was born a deep love for felt food and I started making some for my daughter. And then LOTS. So I created another blog that now have a life of its own (even if being neglected those days) not to bury this one into playfood images...

And in craftster I found a marvellous group, the WWP (witch/wiccan/pagan) which operated like a slap in the face. See, I started studying those thing back when I was 10, but my teenage bf made me forget it all, and I shamefully and lazily buried my love for that craft so deep...

And it bursted when I found the WWP swaps. And I started crafting a lot, things related to paganism. And created another blog. But having this one and the pagan one didn't worked for me at all... so I've scrap the 2 and made a new one, that one you're currently reading.

Than I developed a true love for sewing and sewing blogs... And started sewing, and received a new machine when my old broke down...

And now I found the Eco blogs, the Waldord-lifestyle blogs...

All of those interests me. And I don't know where I'm heading out with this blog. It seems like I have a very large spectra of readers : mainly crafty people, lots of pagan friends, sewers, and eco-minded people. One post that might interest one might not interest the other... Or do you read my sewing post even if you don't sew??

So I'm asking, what do you like from this blog? More creations, more toy-making? More pictures? Less pictures? More reflexions???

If you stick with me, here's what I think you'll see in near future...

-Our family's journey to "quit" meat and diaries and find delicious and nutritive ways to feed our hungry selves.
-My hunt for the best bread recipe in the whole word.
-Trying to be greener, on a budget
-Comments on my breastfeeding journey, trying to feed as long as we could, and other general mom reflexion
-Us trying not to buy anything new, use and re-use, re-purpose what we already have, or find/buy items that have previously been loved
-Purging from plastic, most importantly for toys but also any house wear (it's tougher than it seems! it's everywhere!)
-Toy making that is eco-friendly and creative, and calls for creativity to children.
-Making cloths for my family, re-designing cloths we already have or using coupons I find..
-Post on Pagan Sabbaths and the cycle of the year..

Does that all interests you? What interests you the most when you stop here for some minutes? Do you get tired of seeing cute pictures of Mariann all the time...?

I'll appreciate any feedback!


  1. I love your ideas for where you want the blog to go. Many of your goals are similar to my own, especially the elimination of plastics from my home. There are some things that I'm still having issues finding alternatives to. Your blog is incredibly inspiring. Thank you.

  2. I love your post ideas/goals. They all appeal to me very much :) They are all things that I would love to try and do as well. I look forward to more posts from you. I miss you! :) Hope all is well with you and your family.

  3. what do I like best? well I like that your blog has so much to offer, that you include all of your interests as well as including your personal life with Mariann and now Merrick makes for a well rounded blog.

    I'll be waiting to see what you come up with for the best bread recipe too!

  4. Hi! I want to say I love your blog. I stumbled upon you space while browsing pagan blogs but really loved how its so much more that that. You actually inspired me to start sewing.

    I'm curious is there is a specific section on that is pagan specific.

  5. Rosie, I wanted to reply to you via email but there's none on your page...

    Now, there's no pagan specific page so to speak BUT there's always a WWP swap thread going on.

  6. Thanks, my email is if you'd still like to respond there.

  7. It all sounds interesting (except for the "going vegetarian" thing, with which I have a basic problem, but that shouldn't keep you from doing what you think right. (^v^) ). I think I'll stick around for a while.

  8. I say write about what you love and love what you write about. I think the best blogs offer up a little bit of everything, and that's what I love.

  9. I think your blog is perfect just the way it is!

  10. I know I don't comment often (and I should! Shame on me!) but I love reading your blog. It is so diverse and I love that! And I never get tired of seeing cute pictures of Mirann!

  11. I think all of your ideas sound interesting! I think that you shouldn't worry about your blog having a point. This is your outlet, your little corner of the internet. You can post whatever you want, I'll stick around ;)

  12. I love your blog! I like seeing all the things that are here, and your list of things to come. Thanks for sharing your life and intrests with us. )o(

  13. I feel the same way at times. That there seem to be similar peeps who read certain topics and maybe not others. I just write whatever I feel like writing and let it reflect me and what I am thinking in that moment. I would love to see your creations as you make them and hear any ramblings of life from meatless meals to nursing adventures.


  14. First off, I love seeing pics of your daughter! She's so sweet, and I love the photos that capture the joy of your relationship. I'm also very interested in this topic: "Us trying not to buy anything new, use and re-use, re-purpose what we already have, or find/buy items that have previously been loved" I'm very into repurposing items and painting old items to give them a new life. I also enjoy reading about pagan sabaths and the cycles of the year, very informative!


Thanks for commenting!