Thursday, August 12, 2010

Maternity leave guest Project: Emily from Nap-time Creations

Hi everyone, our little gang is still going great, papa stays home with us for his last vacation week (and I'm really grateful for that!)

Now let me introduce you Emily from Nap-time creations. She's a stay-at-home mommy of a little boy with another one coming, and lives in Hong Kong. She has lots of great projects and tutorials like those training pants, this lovely felt playmat and how to turn daddy's T into a toddler pyg. For now she's showing us cute little booties she did...

Hi Everyone! I'm stopping over from Nap-Time Creations today and thought I would share a recent (and fun!) project with you all. Best of all the pattern is free online! Stop over and check out my site when you get a chance!
I've been doing a lot of crochet lately... we've been travelling and I can do it in the car, I just got new yarn and I'm away from home, so some projects are on hold. I bought some new yarn last week though, so I have been having fun trying a few patterns out. I found this one on a crochet pattern- a- day calendar courtesy of Bernat. My first booties is the one on the left. When I finished it didn't quite look like the pattern, but I wasn't sure where I went wrong. I carefully followed the directions for the second and as you can see, it looks more like a boot and less like a sock.

Correct on the left, wrong on the right....
I ripped out the sock like one and now I have a great little pair of booties. Not sure what size they are, I followed the 0-3 month pattern, but used a little different size crochet hook.
I have several other bootie patterns I want to try, but some are knit, so will have to wait until Aug. when we get home as all my knitting needles are in Hong Kong. Also, I don't know if I am having a boy or a girl, so I might make a few booties for each gender, just for fun!

thanks again Emily!

1 comment:

  1. Those are so cute! I love crocheting & made a doll for my 3 year-old niece and my newborn niece. I'll have to try these out next.

    Love the site! Stop by and visit any time. :)


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