Hello everyone! Thanks for all the blessings!
I have to say I'm really exited about how many of you responded to my mail asking for a birth story! I'll have around 14 to post! So I'm still deciding on the frequency I'll post them. Would you, my dear readers, by interested in a weekly feature?? I think this could be great!
As for our little family, we are tired but happy! Merrick eats a lot still, and Mariann wakes up grumpy from naps..but she was doing that already before her little brother arrived. Our routine has changed.. Oli was the one giving baths to Mariann, but we switched, and I take the time to bath with her. She loves to wash my back! Daddy changes everyone's diaper (yay) and I'm an open buffet.
Hope everyone is enjoying the first week of August. I used to hate that month, but now it all changed for the better! :D