Sunday, August 29, 2010

A new dress and a children book

Thanks all who let me know what they were thinking of my blog, I really appreciate all the nice comments and will continue to be random... And tonight I wanted to show you a little dress I made for my daughter.

I put her in the new dress after changing her, so she wanted to change her baby Hermione (Meen) as well...

It kept her busy for a while... But I've shown her the little dress I made for her doll, and with my help she put in own her. Always fun to match!

That's when she spotted the book. She LOVES to "read". I think she knows how the speak Elfish.

First install some spectators...

Then read aloud!

For the curious, here's the book:


Now I make a Christiane of myself:

the book is about a Penguin knocking on a boy's door, and the Boy assumed he's lost. He'll do all he can to bring him back home. After learning penguins came from the south pole, they travel all their way to South pole in a row boat... But finally arrived to the pole, with the penguin looking sad once again, the boy realizes the penguins isn't lost, he's just needing a friend!

It's in English. I found in at the (now closed) only English bookstore in a 300 miles radius. I felt in love with the watercolor illustrations. But the story is really cute, too! Now it's a tad worn... sign it has been loved.


  1. She is so cute. I love their matching dresses. As always- I am jealous of your sewing skills :)
    Great job.

  2. The Peanut just watched the animated movie based on that book, she loved it and the art in the movie was just stunning.

    I'm looking forward to doing a little sewing for the Peanut and the Bean once I get my Grandma's old sewing machine; that is if I can remember haw to work it :) That dress is just too sweet

  3. You are too funny. The dress is perfect, the book looks adorable, and I love that her doll has a matching dress!


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