Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Little Steps to less meat: Pizza

Why eating less meal??
Because we [north american] eat way too much of it. Once a day is too much.

I could produce you studies concluding to this fact. Or send you to youtube to watch horrible videos of animal being butchered. I could start explain you how the meat industries ruins slam farmers.... But most of you already know all of that.

I didn't take lots of pictures, because I had a 2yr old playing in tomato sauce...
But here's how we do our pizza now:

Handmade Dough

250g (1 cup + 1 tablespoon) warm water
17 g active yeast

500 g (3 1/3 cup) Flour
2 table spoon salt
Around 50 ml olive oil

Blue together for 3min. Than add Green.

You let the dough double (takes about 1h) and knead it for 10 min

1 can of tomato paste
Some water (to reach the consistency you want)
Fresh herbs


I've never been found on pepperoni and salami, and always felt there was too much on any pizza except those I made. Once we dined at one of Papa's aunt and she had made us pizza with this pictures above. Fooled the kids and even the uncle.

Then you had any veggies you want.

Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. Eating less meat is a great decision. I figure, if doing it for idealistic reasons, eating only a little meat and buying from "organic" farmers has a double impact on the meat producing industry, whereas going vegetarian only has single impact (not buying industrial meat vs. not buying industrial meat and buying "good" meat instead). The BF loves meat and would eat it every single day if I let him. I use meat about 2x/week and try to go for 2x/fish, although the latter does not always happen. The "good" meat tastes better (although it seems to take most people some time to get used to the "real" meat taste), and although it is slightly more expensive, the fact that we buy only little of it makes up for that.


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