Wednesday, September 29, 2010

right now, I AM:

Enjoying more and more my decision to keep Mariann with me, instead of putting her to daycare "so she can socialize".

We went to a baby massage class today. There was room left so we placed mariann with a doll, so she can learn to massage her doll as well. The girl giving the class was so surprised at how my lady was able to listen, learn and be part of the group. She kept saying "it's fabulous! she's only 2 yr old!".

Yes, my lady is fabulous, indeed!


  1. Totally. I feel like "socializing" littles often achieves oddly enough, a severe misrepresentation of itself...almost like the opposite...if that makes sense. The calmest kids I see are the ones who are kept at home with mama as long as possible.


  2. Aww, that is so sweet :) I kept all 3 of my littles at home with me to and now we're homeschooling *grin*.

    I just popped over from Earth Mama and you have a very lovely blog :)

  3. We socialize by having play dates with some friends of the Peanut's that we've had since she was 3 months old and visiting the playground and library to make new friends.

    The downside is that sometimes the Peanut wants to be friends with older kids who can be a little abrupt with their rebukes when the Peanut makes overtures; but I see this as a learning experience too. On the plus side; she's met some great kids her own age and older and had some wonderful play with them.

    Pre-school doesn't give any sort of head start to those who attend; when school starts everyone is on the same page.

  4. You're so mature! I totally agree with you... Lucas only went to school when he was about to be 4 and longing to "learn how to write". Never regretted the decision either. And now that he's 7 and I'm with him full time when he's not at school, I see how important it is to have him at home with me. Some people say I'm wrong and that he 'll take longer to be independent, but I don't see it that way... What I see is a little guy, confident and with a helath mind and soul. Time does fly and there's no way to get these years back, so I do treasure our time, just the way you do. Mariann is the cutest beautiful little girl!

    Kisses and much love from us.


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