Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween :) and Blessed Samhain!

I got my camera back. It's still broken. *angry eyes*

I was able to take nice pictures of Mariann and Merrick in their suit though!

(just in case you're asking, that lady is my MIL)

So that's my little couple. Merrick has a tail on his back even if we can't see it. The grey pyj was donated and the ears and tail are leftover from this coat, with a bit of grey felt.

Mariann have this dress on, and the cape and bonnet are all hand made by yours truly. I found the wicker basket at the thrift store and sew a draw-string bag in the matching gingham fabric I found at another thrift store... She already had the red vest, stocking and boots. Total cost of the costumes? I don't know... under 5$ for sure!

There was a nice little activity in the mall, with my tattoo artist friend doing make-up (the one who did my Belly), and a Clown shaping balloons. And some music to dance to.

Of course right after this blurry shot, Mariann felt itchy and passed her wet hand on her cheek...

Merrick did not touch his nose. And I some black over the boobs after a feed, then Papa washed him...

and a little helicopter ride before we go....

It was my SIL's bday yesterday so we had a yummy zucchini cake in plus of the tons of candy.

And we went trick-or-treating today, in the snow! Mariann liked it, I think. She loved having her bag getting full of chocolate, and ate some. Half of the candy's gone now, thanks to dad!

Phew! Now that the costume & swap rush is over, I'm gonna start my handmade gifts and maybe even some playthings to sell in my etsy shop. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Costume preview

Oh Please, Goddess of the camera, grant me this wish:
Give me back my beloved Canon Rebel!
It is my will, so mote it be!

I'm really tired of not having my precious blog sidekick...

So the cape is done, I found a (thrifted) knitted zipping hoodie, because it's not gonna be warm on Halloween, and a lovely little basket which I need to sew a gingham bag in order for it to receive more candies.e


I found a grey one piece for Merrick. I only need to find some grey felt from my stash and sew some ears!

prepare for some halloweeny cuteness!

you won't be able to resist.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Autumn is here

As I sew a red hood to a red cape, what's left of orange maple leaves are falling on the wet ground and other trees are mostly naked. They forecast snow for Halloween, maybe enough not to make it possible to go trick or treating with a toddler.... But there will be sun, so we'll see.

October has gone so fast! Even if what I mostly did of my days was feeding and attending to my toddler. Now I can't wait to show you the costumes I'm making. I still need to find a pretty basket, and some brown cloths for Merrick, so I'm gonna hit the thrift store this week. If only it could stop raining a day or two!

I also want to find a version of the story so that Mariann understand what's she's costumed as. I'm pretty sure they have it at the used book store, maybe even in English!

Should I have a working camera on hand, I'd include *here* a galore of red jersey knit and red&white gingham fabric.

image from google

Thursday, October 21, 2010

We're going to have an handmade Yule

Part one, our little family :)

(from, correct me if I'm wrong!)

So while I can't post picture (you can see my blog is suffering of that!) I want to share with you and maybe inspire you with what I want to make to my relatives for Yule and Christmas. I distinguish both, for a reason; we, as in the little family (me, papa, mariann and merrick) are going to have a little party of our own on the Équinox, where we're going to open our gifts and socks, only keeping one or two for the 24th. This way, Mariann will be less overwhelmed by all the things she'll receive.

For Mariann:
Jointed Waldorf Doll

Hermione, that you can see in the left toolbar, was my 2nd attempt at Waldorf Dollmaking, and is only 12" tall, willed with cotton and already all loose....We still love her, we do. But I want a 18" sized jointed Baby for her to play with, big enough to wear premie clothing.

While I did not have a pattern for Hermione or Medhi (the dark boy one), I wanted to make sure I had the part and size right so I bought one online, from Dancing Rain Doll whose's site seems to be in derangement. But the pattern was 10$, with some for clothing too. Really greatly explained.

So this time around I'll going to stuff it with wool. I found a local marchant who's willing to let me some. The skin is going to be organic cotton.

Peg Doll Family

I bought a set, this exact one below, some months ago, and never managed to paint some. But I will, and they are going to be in her sock.

Fairy house

It's not how I picture it in my head, but you get the idea. I'm also going to turn some pegs into fairies and throw them in the sock.

A Counting Set

I'm not sure of which design I like the best, and Mariann will probably call them cookies at first. But If I make a set now, I'm sure it's going to be use for a long time.

Waldorf Boy Pajama Short Set-Beep Dot Flannel

Doll Outfits

The new doll as well as Hermione will get several outfits. Her Plastic run-away doll, the first one I ever bought her, desperately need something to hide the hideous pink pyjama that's totally worn out.

A tea set.

I tried finding a wooden one, with no success. The only ones I found were online, and adding shipping it was just too much for me to afford. So I'm gonna go with a fabric one.

For Merrick

OBV Tweet Tweet Teether

Natural Teether.

I can't stand seeing babies with plastic in their mouth!

Soft Cloth Ball

Soft Ball

Chunky Keys

Teething keys

This one I can't make, but I just bought one set. I'm developing a fabric version of this in my head as well!

Pumpkin Velvet Bunting Doll according to waldorf pedagogy
Bunting Doll

There's a lot of way to make a bunting doll but I think Ruprecht makes my favourite.

For Papa:

Well at this point I have very little idea of what to make to my BF to fill his sock. I usually buy a book or two, chewing gum, candies and new toothbrush (nothing exiting!)

tea cup-coffee cup-coffee mug-size matters-Size Matters Large Mug

This year I'm thinking of printing pictures of both kids so he can replace the worn out one of Mariann in his wallet. He's gonna get the second sock which fits the one the stuff are in... A mug of some kind and some boxers.

The thing is that he doesn't really like gadget, he hates sports, too. Most beanies doesn't fit his head and he doesn't wear any perfume.

tea cup-coffee cup-coffee mug-novelty mugs-I Love My Computer Mug
Here's really interested in science, mechanic and computer.
And Coffee. Lots of coffee (hence the mugs)

When you tape "Man Sock Filler" mostly get stupid and rude things involving boobs & willys. Or Poo-related. Oh well.

If you have any ideas of something I could make, go ahead!!

next part will be the rest of the family... I have to think about those....
Am I doing this too early??

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Did you miss me?

Well, I've been a very bad blogger this month. I'm sorry, but I have a pretty good reason not to show you anything: My camera is at the camera hospital.
It was all acting weird, from, let's say, being "played with" too much. Not that I blame Mariann for dropping it once or twice... Okay. I do. I really feel the miss. I hitch to take pictures. I took tons at my in-laws this weekend.

Fortunately enough, the stuff I'm currently crafting I can't show. You'll see it when the recipient receives it. Which should be in some weeks...

Now, I made a button, because even if none of you showed interest in participation, I still want to have at least a week of HP craft&recipes before the first part of HP7 comes out.

I repeat myself, but it'll be so great to have people joining in! I'd start it Monday previous the coming out date. Any thing HP related would be welcomed!

I would have a post each day (5 of them) with a craft and links to ladies who had an HP related post to offer that day. The more the better! :D Oh and please grab the button!

Friday, October 8, 2010

{This moment} Mariann Fashion sense

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Some announcement (bottom of post)!

Here goes another time were I'm involved in swaps, crafting a lot, and not able to show anything not to spoil the surprise to my partner!!
But I give you a hint; it's Harry Potter oriented. 1 wearable thing, 1 play thing and one edible thing. Of course I can't stink to one thing but hey! I can't change myself on that (why would I?)

On another joyful note, I sold my first Little Daddy Bag today! youhou! Some lucky little boy is gonna get it for yule !

I plan on making some more (Little Mommy & Daddy) in November for my shop, after the swap-crafting rush.

Now. HP7 part 1 is getting out November 19th.
I know I'm gonna post HP related crafts and recipe... I thought It'd be great if you'd like to join me! comment here or email me.. I'll plan on something great, starting november 1st :)

Meanwhile I'd like to show various HP post I already posted, for those who missed them:

Hope you enjoy!