Thursday, October 28, 2010

Costume preview

Oh Please, Goddess of the camera, grant me this wish:
Give me back my beloved Canon Rebel!
It is my will, so mote it be!

I'm really tired of not having my precious blog sidekick...

So the cape is done, I found a (thrifted) knitted zipping hoodie, because it's not gonna be warm on Halloween, and a lovely little basket which I need to sew a gingham bag in order for it to receive more candies.e


I found a grey one piece for Merrick. I only need to find some grey felt from my stash and sew some ears!

prepare for some halloweeny cuteness!

you won't be able to resist.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I hope your camera starts working too....I want to see the cute pictures of both of them.


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