Tuesday, November 9, 2010

right now, I AM:

I skipped them for a month or so, I'm sorry Lisa! I'm sure you're pardoning me....

So, right now, I AM: Slowly building our new rhythm.
Merrick is still demanding a lot, and Mariann, even more! They need pretty much constant entertainment! Hopefully, washing dishes and lauding the dryer is still considered fun by Mariann... Which makes it a little less pénible.
Merrick is a little bit more regular and can now sleep on is own in the master bed for 3h in a row the afternoon, while Mariann naps in her own bed. That's a bless!


  1. that's the one thing I'm worried about with the Bean coming. I'm thinking the first 6 months are going to be a whirlwind of sleep fogged zombie life especially since the Peanut doesn't nap anymore :(

  2. Hello :) I'm popping over from Mama Earth's blog and I am really enjoying have a peak at your blog this evening :)

  3. Pardoned for sure! And I guess I have to chuckle, becuase my right now this week is about seeing the light at the end of this tunnel that you are describing here! As I wrote...it will pass, and try to see the beauty in the craziness of it all where you are at, but also know that somedays it is really hard to do that too.



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