Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday: Creature Making!

Ever wished to own an hippogriff or a dragon? Or an owl for sending mails? Wouldn't it be cool?

Well, apparently us muggle can't. But we can try. With some imagination, and some fabric.

My friend Abeeroad did an awesome I-Spy owl for Mariann last HP swap on craftster.

I-Spy toys are sachet where you have a list of item to find.

Here we got a moon, and a wand, and a phoenix, and griffindor's sword.....

There's a great article about making a dragon in the 2010 edition of Rhythm of the home.

I made a dragon back in February for a special little boy:

It is now called Percy!

There's tons of awesomely done plushes of Dragon, Unicorn and even House Elves and Pixies around!

house elf jumping
from All thing crafty

Coming later: A unicorn plush how-to!

Linkie's open for today! Remember that other day's linkies are still open as well! :D


  1. Check out my blog for Thursday - Magickal Creatures: Raising, Nurturing Dragons


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