Thursday, December 30, 2010

Two cuddle dolls found their home....

Organic 5inch Waldorf Cuddle doll

I put a listing in etsy yesterday night, and what I see this very morning?

I suspect pure act of kindness from this lady, who bought it. (She looks more talented then me!)

Organic 5inch Waldorf Cuddle doll

The brown eyed one was made for the daughter of one of Papa's Uncle's wife's niece... or something. She was born around same date as Mariann and we're going to see her on new year.

I'll be making more of those!

But before, I have to wash off Merrick's doll. See, Mariann carry both hers and his around... which is a lot for her little arm (in her big snow suit...) so she dropped it in the calcium/snow side round mud. Yuk!


  1. I do love this little cuddle doll, looking forward to receiving it. I am no sewer, totally useless at it, love needle felting though. cheers Marie

  2. These are adorable, I'm sure it wasn't an act of kindness, but a desire to own such lovliness!


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