Saturday, January 29, 2011

Play with your children

Merrick enjoys tea!

I often set up Mariann play things and sit with her. We make ourself some tea, give some to bébé budder and feed the doll with sippy cups.
Sitting with her for some minutes, using the stuff I made for her, kind of showing her how-to, allows her to play on her own afterwards.

Tea, eggs, chips, wiped cream, corn, pizza toping and chocolate

Nothing too elaborate. And nothing rigid whatsoever.
And then I find her recreating our play with Merrick. Or reading to him.
(or handing him a pencil....)

Sleeping giraffe, shh!

Lion plushes can breastfeed giraffes. I tell you.


  1. very very cute- such imagination. and thanks so much for all that info about rice cereal. i am off to try to read the french article! congrats on the facebook page. xo m.

  2. I love all your homemade goods.

    There is an award for you on my blog.

  3. Very nice blog, I love the ideas you have! I am also a very young mama making it all work on a shoestring, your creativity is inspiring!

  4. I'll have to try sitting down to play with her toys. My husband and I play with our daughter a lot, but it's always just silly peek a boo games and tickling and chasing one another. I don't really show her how to use the toys and maybe I should. Somehow something that simple just never occurred to me, but I've been frustrated that instead of playing, she often just hurls things around a room.

  5. Oh your babe with the cup--Love love love:)

  6. Merrick is growing to be so handsome!

  7. wonderful! I love when they take their life and play it out :)


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