Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our New and Improved Morning Yoga Routine

I really should be sleeping but I have an horrible tooth ache. A huge one. One that keeps you awake even as tired as your are. And I am tired. I really should be sleeping.

But while it passes down a little.. I'll talk to you about doing Yoga with a toddler.
Mariann in the middle of a salutation... I'll try taking newer pictures tomorrow.

Because we've just started back. Like, Monday. I had huge back pain while pregnant and it's now fading with each day of yoga.

Mariann and I do simple poses when we wake up. (Merrick is either sleeping or playing with our toes.)
I start with laying poses for my back, then we do the more fun stuff with props (leg stretch with strap, bridge with block) which keep Mariann captivated. We do downdog and lunges, warrior poses. We then do corpse pose and she off to play. Usually by that time Merrick wakes up or is too tired... But if he's okay/still sleeping, then I do more complicated poses, mostly balance ones. Then we breakfast.

Here's our routine:
  • Pelvic tilt
  • Bridge (with support)
  • Supta (leg stretch with strap... pictured in previous post as Mariann's new favourite)
  • Cat stretch
  • Downdog
  • Lunges
  • Straight leg lunge
  • plank
  • cobra
  • Mountain
  • Salutation
  • Uttanasana (forward bends)
  • Warrior III
  • Tree
  • Eagle pose (well... I try!)
*corpse with Mariann somewhere in there...

I have to say that I am not, by any means, a pro at yoga. I've never attended a class, nor I know someone who did. I just felt it would be right for me and educated myself with books and internet.

I can't afford a class, and I have no time to do so (where would I put my babies??) so doing it when we feel like it (in the morning, straight when we wake up, before breakfast) is the best way for us. I'd love to attend a class, thought!


  1. How great that she wants to do it with you! TJ and I will occasionally pull out our yoga mats and do a few poses. I should do it more often.

  2. Wow! I love this. I have been wanting to start yoga again since the baby was born. Keep at it!


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