Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spreading myself

I think I've been somehow, somewhere, brainwashed to think I can do it all. I can sew, make dolls, paint, tattoo, knit, crochet, make bread, healthy meals, breastfeed, hand bound books, do a yoga routine the morning, have an interesting activity for my toddler per day, have all my laundry done and survive to tell.

I take on a sewing project and remember how much I love making little dresses. Then I start a painting, and wonder why I haven't paint for a while... Well, I was sewing. I've tattooed a friend the other day (in a safe environment with one-use sterile needles) and it felt so great to get back at this intricate hobby of mine...But why haven't I tattooed for a while? I'm taking care of my babies, no place to tattoo in this tiny apartment. So I sew, and paint and craft.

Sometime I think about storing everything to just keep my sewing stuff out. Sometime I want to get the sewing stuff out of view and only have my art stuff so I'll draw more. But I need diversity. I've assumed I'm never going to be excellent at everything, nor at one special thing... but with time I might be good enough at all sort of things.

I want to be that... It's a kind of independence. I have a creative mind and the more means I know to make stuff I think happen, the better!

I would be so bored otherwise!


  1. You and I are alike :) I do the exact same thing. Day to day I discover the things I've forgotten from the week before. LOL The photos of the sewing machine is lovely!

  2. Je suis pareille! I studied art in college (en arts plastiques) and feel that I don't paint and draw enough. Taught myself how to knit last summer, just learned how to crochet, I bake from scratch lots, just got a sewing machine so I'll be making summer dresses for my girly soon and have been having a great time making little felt creations lately. It's like I have ADD with creativity, I can't just sit and do one thing, lol.

  3. Oh man, I'm the same way. I need diversity and a lot of new things to try and learn. :)

  4. what a beautiful sewing machine. I'm the same way as you - always wanting to learn something new. Even though I am a "master" at none of them, I think there is tremendous worth in trying, learning, and creating - even if my results are rarely perfect!

  5. I don't know a creative person who doesn't need some sort of diversity in their creativeness. I know I do lol.

  6. I'm glad that I'm not the only one like this! I find projects underneath projects sometimes and feel the same way, but it's so good to have so many things you enjoy doing... it keeps your creativity flowing. :)

  7. I'm the same way! I think it's important to have a craft for every mood - I find when I move between crafts, inspiration strikes all the time.

    Also - gorgeous sewing machine. Love it.


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