Friday, June 3, 2011

As some of you might (or might not) remarked, I post a lot less then I used to, and I also comment less... I guess we can say I'm taking a blogging break. With the nice weather finally here, we're mostly outdoor, and if you add the fact that my faithful computer of 6 years died last week, plus a lot of things to craft, you have a recipe for no posting... Rest assure, I have some stuff to show you, as I'm in a crafting blitz before packing all my supplies.

idea from made by joel

I can wait to move now, and redo our nest into the house. I'll have a craft room! Just for me! No more corner of the living room, with Papa getting annoyed by the sewing machine.... And room... A lot of it, into the house, and outside of it!

finally sorted my spool. I was in need of something visually fun....


When we get home after the parc in late afternoon, Mariann usually fall asleep in her stroller. It's not very practical as I don't want to wake her up... But the fact is, it's the neighbor below us' parking lot, and our balcony is upstairs... and I can't really take Mariann (in the stroller) upstairs with Merrick in his sling... So I take my time when I get home and Papa usually arrive from his summer class soon after us, which solves the problem.. Still, I can't wait to have our really balcony back at the house... One that is big enough so you can actually have some chairs and a table.

For Sarah's daughter

And this weekend I spent all my free time on this little lady! She's currently on her way to Australia (that's why she has a coat and's winter there, right?) She asked me to try to make dimples, and I love the results! I'll post more pictures of her later.

Hope you're not missing me and my posts too much... just a little ;)

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