Thursday, July 21, 2011

We are moved

For a month now we've been moved. Do I miss the appart? Well... No. Not one bit!
We have so much room, light, and fresh air here!

I have some pictures from various moment of this month... I didn't post regularly because all the pictures where stuck in Papa's laptop... Since I've lost my usb cable. This dinosaur doesn't take SD card, so I had to wait on a wi-fi rooter (uh. I don't like that!) so I can take t
he picture in the laptop from this pc.

And guess what? The camera is broken. Again. Now it's the third time and I've asked for reimbursement. I want to thank Papa here for taking the long time extra warranty. But I have to wait for them to take a decision....

So meanwhile, I'll share what I have taken since we're here. It's been very sunny most days and we enjoyed the outdoor a lot. Mariann particularly likes to blow bubbles (she got tons of liquid on her birthday!) and chase butterflies. Merrick likes to watch Mariann run.

Papa spends his day helping his father on the land. They grow mostly potatoes. They also have cabbage, different sorts of squash, zucchini, carrots, strawberries, broccoli, vines, bell pepper, cauliflower, beans.. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.

And we have a whole house for ourselves. It was Papa's grandfather's, and he past away some years ago, leaving the house empty except for the holidays.

I'm still eager to see what's next. What's after this forced year of slowing down and taking a deep breath. Where are we going? In what kind of place? How will be the people?

But for another whole year we're staying. Here with our families. I've engaged myself in a breastfeeding support group, we're talking of entering La Leche Ligue, there's no representatives in our region. I've entered the comity of the house of Birth where I gave birth. I have also proposed to start a toddler/preschooler art group. I think I've even made some friends (that shares my parenting values).

This is the view when we get back home from the land. See all this water? It's the Saint-Laurent river and I have some sunset pictures to show you sometime next. Because that's what we see from our front windows: water. Tons of it. And it feels so good.

...more pictures to come.


  1. It looks wonderful! Can't wait to see more photos!

  2. it looks so great, light and fresh. wishing you all the best of luck and much happiness in your new home x

  3. The photos are beautiful, and it sounds like everyone is settling in nicely. I can't wait to hear/see more. Blessings to you all in your new home.

  4. You certainly sound happier, calmer and more at ease than before you moved. It's important to be with people you love and people who want to live in the same kind of world that you do. It sounds like you have lots of both there, and I think you'll be very happy.

    And fresh vegetables! I grew up in potato-growing country and I miss having decent potatoes to eat. What is sold in supermarkets is often disgusting - cracked, spotty, mouldy - my mother would have died of shame if potatoes like that had ever come out of her garden! (And they never did.)

    Was the last photo on this post taken by Mariann?


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