Sunday, September 18, 2011

By the Sea

Most important cities, little towns and villages in Québec province are by the Saint-Laurent river. I t gets so large where we are (50km), and the north cost gets so thin, that we call this house, The House by the Sea.

The air is always so fresh, the wind chilly.

The water is cold, anytime of the year and the sand is so rough.

And there is no feeling like walking on the shore, up north, when the tide is low, to that big rock that is usually covered by water, on the squishy algae that explode under our rubber boots.

And the sight of that majestuous river by my window everytime I fold the cloths in our bathroom, and the giggles of delight from my daughter as she watches the Sun "go to sleep with the Moon and Stars into the water" as she looks at the playroom window, and the simple bonefire with good friends and family, and the oh so freshness of the air, and the clear, unpolluted starry sky, makes up for the upstair floors that are still not finished. At least Papa took the very very old rug out today. Lets see if my kids stop being sick... It's been two months now that they are having the flue symptoms....


  1. Our favorite place to be is up on the River. What magical childhood memories the kiddos will have. Hope they feel better soon.

  2. Oh, how lucky you are to live near such a beautiful area. Thank you for sharing your magical day.
    Bright blessings,
    Bird @

  3. Gorgeous! It does the kiddies so much good to live in a place they can see the stars :)

    Hope they're feeling better soon.

  4. Hope your babies feel better! we went through that last winter, ending up with Butterbean in the hospital for 2 days :-( Healthy vibes to you my friend!


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