Thursday, October 6, 2011

A table Full

There's actually one 3 year old in the playroom too

I made a friend last spring. She let go of a brilliant lucrative career to stay at home with her four children. She breastfed her twin girls for 17 months. She has a very spirited 3 year old, yet never use the word "time-out". She's busy and organized yet is able to look relaxed and carefree when you speak with her. She also listen. There's all sort of other things that as we speaks, made me feel like we shared the same values. There's something that made us click, and she, at one point, as we got to know each other, almost muttered, a real confession not to be told to everybody:
I think I will homeschool Emilien next year.

Her big boy, she felt, was not in his best place in public school. The little guy is a genius, but dixpraxia make him trapped in his own body. She simply wanted to eliminate some frustration, and most of all, keeping the fire of appetite to learn alive. Because, you know, kids can be so mean. ( I resumed something so complicated in so little sentences)

So the adventure is started. The mom's a scientist, so I offered her something in my lines; arts!
Today we made finger paint (1 part corn starch, 3 part water, heat in a pot, add coloring) and it was really thick. Yes, Merrick ate some. With the spoon.

Emilien ended up making something really cool when he realized he could spread the whole thing with his whole hand.

And I love having so many kids in my house. I love chaos.


  1. It looks like everyone had a wonderful time :)

  2. Looks like an awesome time! I too love creative chaos of kids! It's so much fun!!


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