Friday, November 4, 2011

Playing Together, Sleeping Together

I love teamwork. Both my babies are now down to nap. Mariann naps so easily when Papa is around... Of course now he's back to work and I will have to deal with her when she wakes up, but I know what will happen, and I will try hard not to loose my tempter and just help her make the transition.

Now that Merrick is walking, they play along so well. There's still some épisode of "NO!!!IT'S MINE!!!" but there's a lot of chasing around, laughing. Mariann shares her most loved items so Merrick can play with her, even if he just chew on the man dolly while she makes the woman make dinner.

Often Merrick will take a little chair and sit, so proud to be doing just that on his own. Then Mariann will serve him tons and tons of coffee, tea, juice, milk and water. All that is the same cup.

But I find myself needing a break, or a least a way to go out. I will have my driving licence, hopefully, at the end of the month, so that will help... But I really need something like, a weekend just with Papa. It would be the first time in 3 years... I don't think I abuse the concept!


  1. Three years!? Yes, darlin', it's time for you to have a weekend alone with your fella. You definitely don't abuse the concept at all. lol

    Your two little ones are just adorable. Is Mariann wearing fairy wings in that one photo? So cute. Love the apple eating while settling down for a little nap. Hope everything goes well when they wake up. :-)


  2. totally agree with Bird! if you want those kids to still have a mom and a dad, together and all, then you guys seriously have to take some time for yourself, even if it's just 1 hour or 2 a week but HEY you need this!!!
    take care!


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