Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yarn Along- Merrick's vest

I hope you knitters out there are proud of me.. I'm a very good way into making Merrick's vest. The back is done and I'm doing the front left side, it's going pretty smoothly. I love being able to stuff it in the diaper bag and take it everywhere I go, or just sit in the play room and while I look after the kids.

As for the book, it was lend to me by a friend who thought it might interest me. Well, it sure does! This tiny book is a true Waldorf toy how-to treasury! I'm following its instructions to make little dollhouse doll. They have a pipe cleaner frame and are wrapped in pure wool, then covered with organic cotton. Papa is about 4" and I'm 3" tall. Yes, those are the right proportions... Papa is 1'6" taller then me! Can't wait to cover little me, little Mariann and little Merrick, and make us little clothing. This will be Mariann's Yule gift, and I'm pretty sure she will be thrilled! Just for fun... Anyone has a little scrap of red fabric with white polka dot? I can't picture mini-me not having one red dress in her closet!


  1. It all looks wonderful! Way to go!

  2. yes! good job, and beautiful color.

  3. Wow! Bravo, this is a beautiful project.

    I'm going to check out that book. Thank you for sharing this reference.


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