Saturday, February 13, 2010

Imbolc Swap; or Having a friend :)

What K.Michele sent me

I live in a french province were magic and witchcraft never really been part of history. We burned no witches, we hung no crazy cat lady, we never had slaves and their religions. Pretty boring, uh?

Pretty much every one here consider themselves non-practician Catholic, meaning: they go to church for baptism, marriage, funeral, and they don't care much about what christmas and Easter means.

So it's really hard, when you find a spiritual path other then this, to find people alike. There's some in Québec city (3h of car away) and there's even coven in Montréal (8h of car away). But in Montréal, there's a lot of english-speakers, so it explains the covens.

You just can't find a good book on paganism eslewhere then internet (oh, thanks gods for internet!!) And same goes for ritual tools

So when I found on a forum (craftster) a group of people actually craft pagan stuff and swap them, I was delight! I signed up, in the hope of making friends. My wish was exaused. I found an amazing friend in the person of K.Michele. Someone I can talk about everything, even the laundry batches I wash in a day. Being able to talk about my path with sensibly someone like me did me really good on a sanity level, so I thank K.Michele for poping into my life!

image taken from google

1 comment:

  1. aww hugs!! your words made me tear up a bit. in a good way of course lol. you are an amazing person and a friend as well :) and i am very, very glad we've met and become friends.


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