Thursday, February 11, 2010

Flowers come and go...

image taken here

I have one single rose that is head down in my closet, drying.
I took it from one of the many bouquet there was.
One of them had baseball bats in it, cause she was a team captain of baseball in her town. People were nice, there was some speaches, including her brother, co-worker, and the town mayor.

What I couldn't stand was the priest. The ceremony was about Lucie, not Jesus, god damn!

I cryed less than I thought, I was so annoyed by what the priest said! All the pre-made ceremony was so unpersonal, uh!

And there was some old ladies knowing every word by heart, every song and such. The kind of ladies that have nothing better to do then go to every single funeral.

But. I was there for my cousin. She was glad I was there. I made her laugh a lot.
She made me sat behind her, even if I technicly isn't "close" family to her mother. She made me sat next to her uncle that lives 8h aways. We hadn't seen him for 10 years and he and his wife didn't recognize me. She looked at me like I was some kind of friend of my cousin that had no place there. I think she realised I was wrong when I cried as much and as loud as my cousin. When she saw I was crying way much then her own children. And when Marie told them that she had spent her childhood with me, we grew up together and she considered me her sister. I knew my aunt. I knew her very well and I'm going to miss her.

She was slowly entering her crone age with all the wisedom and respect for life it takes. But she was just 44.

So now it's time to move on.
I'll start writting about happier stuff from now on :)

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