Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What to expect?

image taken here

Tomorrow will be one of those day you don't know what to expect.
I was exited to get to Wenesday Feb 10th some weeks ago, because I have a mid-wife appointment at 10h30 am. We'll have the same midwife we got for my first daughter, and I'm glad cause we had a great relation ship. Last time she saw Mariann, she was 6 weeks old! Can't wait to show her how beautiful, full of life, curious and intelligent she is now. I also can't wait to hear my other baby's heart. We didn't hear it quite well last time.

But then my mom told me the funeral are for tomorrow afternoon. Luckily I don't have to replace my appointment. So after a morning or joy and retrouvaille, I'll spend an afternoon of sadness and retrouvaille. I know I'll cry so much my eyes will hurts for days; I know that every single word any person will say in front of me (ok, maybe not the priest's words) will affect me. I know there will be lots of people that will come to say goodbye. I know I'll miss her, I know the time will maybe make me cry less, but I will never forget the good memories.

1 comment:

  1. oh honey!! many many many hugs to you and your family. let me know if there's anything i can do, even if it's a ear to listen.


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