I took step photos so I'll be able to build a little tutorial... you won't beleive how easy and quick it is to make! This will probably be my last "project post" before I give birth... and probably before a little while!
So I got an idea this morning that might interest some of you. I'm proposing everyone who'd want it to share a birth story or a baby project as a guest post during the month of August.
Depending of how many respond I get, I'd (hopefully) post 2 guest posts a week, hopefully more!
By birth stories I mean any experiences you had; from natural home birth to emergency c-section, to one you only assisted.
By baby project I mean tutorials for onesie appliqué to your newly decored nurserie to shower gifts :)
And of course my pagan friends can share protection and cleansing rituals, lullabies and blessings !
So don't be shy and propose me some post to post while I'll be too drained to write something myself!
Just leave a comment here or hit the "Contact" button at the top of the page :)
I really hope to get some responds and see you tomorrow!