Friday, July 30, 2010

Pagan Lullaby

image from here

Sung to the tune of "Brahm's Lullaby"

Mother moon, in the sky
Watching over me tonight
Rock me gently in you arms
Till the dark becomes the dawn
Mother of the starry night
Keep me safe and hold me tight
Swaddled in your bright moonbeams
Bless me with the sweetest dreams

found here

What is your favorite lullaby??


  1. that is so beautiful. I made up a little rhyme for the Peanut to say at the window each night that I sometimes sing to her. We also sing One Sleepy Baby, based on a book we had from the library when the Peanut was very little. I've sung it to her almost every night since using a tune similar to twinkle twinkle but not exactly.

  2. For my little sister we sang the song A Dream is A Wish from Disney's Cinderella. Such a pretty little song.

  3. Love this photo... My favorite lullaby is a Brazilian one called "boi da cara preta", well known here, with a few modifications.

    Just left something for you at my blog, but don't rush!



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