Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sharing my research on birth and newborn blessings

Since the baby was almost there yesterday, today was all about getting the house clean and ready for the little human being. Later tonight I plan on having a cleansing ritual for every rooms of the apartment. I'm also gonna craft some pentagram to put under the crib mattress when it'll be up.

so, going with my research, I found this really interesting article. I haven't done a naming ceremony for Mariann... And I thinking of doing one this time. And yes, we are still totally out of names!

Apparently there are several general "rules" about having a naming ceremony:

1-Choose an "everyday" name c.i. the one on papers and a magical name that is whispered to the baby's ears for only the close circle to know.

2-Present the baby to the 4 guardians to ask for protection.

3-Wait for the umbilical cord to drop before having the ceremony; Else the baby is still symbolically attached to the mother.

4-Should there be non-pagan, tell them what is going to happen some time ahead.

5-Hold the ceremony outside if weather permits it, or in a big enough place (that should be consecrated).

6-Have the godparent/guardians/mentors to assist the ceremony.

7-Parents prepare and say words about commitments to the child and its future. Parent can tell why they choose the mentors, and themselves can read something about commitment at their turn.

8-Parents say a word about why they choose that/those name(s).

9-Have the other guest making a circle around the parents, baby and mentors. When the ceremony is over, "pass" the baby around for each guest to kiss him/her.

Well... that is too complicated for me! And even more for my atheist BF. I'll be most likely to do the presentation to the guardians on my own, and only keep the text reading part as for why we choose the name and the godparents. I also somehow better like the term "Naming day". Feels less formal :)


  1. Why would your baby need a magical name? You don't even know yet if he/she will want to do anything magical later. One name alone should do just fine. (^v^)

    My sister had her naming ceremony for her daughter a few weeks back. I don't know too much about it (the actual ceremony was only with the parents, godparents and the child), but we did some research together in advance - and it seems there are so many possibilities to choose from... One mother recommended giving each guest a stone to which they should whisper a good wish or blessing for the child, and these pebbles/stones are collected in a decorated flowerpot and left on the family altar.

    My sister had everybody write a wish for her daughter on a piece of cloth, and these were tied losely to the branches of a tree that had been planted in honor of her daughter's birth. After the ritual, when everybody was there to celebrate, we went outside together and put the wishes on the tree. I thought that was a nice idea, and it wasn't too strange for all the Non-Pagans.

  2. When Lucas was four months old I took him to the bech and presented him to the four watchers, where the four elements are (fire from the sun, air from the breeze, water from the sea and earth from the sand). It was very simple, just turning his tiny body to each direction and asking the guardians to help and watch over him. Then I touched his feet on the water and went back home. That was enough for me, and I felt good. I haven't got any magickal name for him (besides calling him penguim at home, lol!), don't really feel it's needed. I always think the simplest, the better.

    Hope things go well for you, and your time is as easy as possible! My heart is with you1


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