Tuesday, January 4, 2011

11 Goals for 2011

1. Learn to knit
2. Cut on meat eating
3. Cut on cow milk, totally if possible (a hard one, I'm emotionally attached)
4. Fill my etsy shop with organic doll goodness
5. Don't buy any cloths for me or the kids, make them instead
6. Furnish our (upcoming) house with previously loved furniture, preferably unpainted wood
7. Still breastfeed on December 31st
8. Produce the majority of our veggies
9. Make our bread
10. Be more patient
11. Enjoy every moment!

What are your goals?


  1. These are great! I am looking forward to #4. Your dolls are adorable and I can't wait to own some....I mean for my daughter to own some...yeah... :)

  2. Those are all very great goals.
    mine are to be the best vegan I can.. I started already and so far I'm actually liking it.

    Quit smoking

    Lose weight, which actually will probably burn off because of new said vegan diet.

    Pay off all debt.

    Graduate College in july.

  3. Cannot wait to see more of your doll goodness! I'm lovin' the sea animals...totally goes with Finn's room :-D

    If you are planning to make your own bread, I suggest getting a grain mill and making your own flour too. It's one of the goals I have: use my grain mill A LOT!

  4. 1)have a great semester
    2)complete some reading challenges
    3) go deeper in my faith
    4) learn to sew and quilt
    5) make some candles and soaps this year (maybe even for etsy)
    6) start going out again to more events
    8) rock climbing
    9) more yoga
    10) eat clean
    11) make great memories
    good luck on your goals as well you and the baby look so cute together, good lu11ck on finding furniture for your home YAY


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