Tuesday, January 4, 2011

12 months have passed...


I can truly say I've evolved in those last 12 months. I've matured a lot, and made life choices that are sometimes seen drastic, but for us it's just that we want what's best for us and our children. What kind of mother wouldn't want the very best for its child? The best conditions available? Not only for the child's health, but for the parent as well.


I'm tired of being in a "city" (it's not a huge city... we see the big saint-laurent river ahead and it takes 5 mins to reach a farm; 30 and you're in the wood) but we don't have a yard and we're surrounded by noise and very little green. And yet I'm exited to get into a big city.. were we will hopefully have our own house, with a yard, a garden, and yet again hopefully some co-op to make our choice more easy to live...


This blog took a wonderful turn, and I'm thankful for all the ladies up there who writes theirs. And a lot of thanks to those who read mine.

I feel the way we chose isn't the easiest, but the best. At least for us!

Happy New Year everyone!!

(I planned this post would be much, much longer. But... I've decided to simplify, in 2011. And it looks like it's starting now!)

lots of love,


  1. May 2011 bring your family much more joy, prosperity and lend you a helping hand with your choices. Brightest blessings, dear.

  2. I used to live very near the Saint Lawerence River(the English for saint-laurent)! We used to drive up to a small town that starts with a G...I'll have to find the name of the town! Have you ever taken a boat tour of the river? We did the long one that spanned both US and Canada, lots of fun. Have you ever been to Bolts Castle? Impressive!

  3. lovely recap- happy new year and all the best in 2011

  4. You and your little family are beautiful and I wish you the best things in 2011. Brightest Blessings ~ Betsy


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