Thursday, January 13, 2011

right now, I AM:

...Loving how those 2 are slowly, but surely, becoming best friends.
Mariann loves to "read" to her little brother, she makes up stories according to the images. On this picture, she was telling something about Buzz flying on Bullseye...
They entertain each other really well, they are really sweet to watch and listen. Mariann often give hugs and says "I luff you!". She patiently gives him back his rattle each time he drops it; she will even share her favorite toy of the moment with him if he start getting grumpy!
Off course, she's a 2yr old, sometimes she really doesn't feel like sharing. But most of the time she does. And it's awesome to see!


  1. So sweet! My Bella used to call Hawthorn her baby brudder when she was two. Glad to see they are friends.


  2. They look so sweet together! Hopefully, this friendship will last their lifetimes. XOXO

  3. I know I have said this before but I LOVE THE PICS OF THE BABIES!

  4. My two youngest look about the same age difference as these, just a wee bit older...and YES they are certainly starting to delight in eachother. It is wonderful.

    My two 1/2 yr old must have realized a month or so ago that the fact she is no longer the littlest is significant, because she now calls her little sister "BAY-bee" about 30 times a day.

    I like your blog -


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