Thursday, January 13, 2011

What makes me like a blog

I wondered.
There's some blogs out here I keep going to. They share the same day-to-day things, baby faces, pictures of little faces than others...but the overall feeling when you enter the page isn't the same. It triggers happiness somewhere in my brain, and makes me stay for a post, some pages, or the whole blog (it happened. Often.)

So I give it some thought, and here's the result:

1.White background + minimalistic layout + favorite projects in the sidebar (love this one when stumbling on a blog for the first time!)

2.Lots of colors, posts full of photograph and joyful header

3.Crisp pictures. The persons not just threw a pic here and there: She carefully chosen it and wants it to help telling her point.

4.Content! A story, a craft, a journey :) Stories behind little dresses, what fabric and were you got it, what pattern you used and how much you little likes to wear it!

5.Like-minded people. We have something in commun; Natural parenting, Willing to make a change, Crafts, Arts....

6. Rythm. What makes me come back to a blog is getting to know the person writing and wanting to know what she's up to.

So, I don't know if the women who asked me the question, long long time ago, still read my blog. But I finally answered!


  1. funny many of the reasons you listed is the reason i come back to your blog. thanks for sharing BB

  2. Your blog just made me drool a little. I'm fasting and the picture of that stew made my stomach do impossible things *sigh*

  3. Great post...all wonderful insights..and loved all your photos..awesome!

  4. oh, your blog is reeks of good taste, creativity, and awesome craftmanship.
    I agree with you on "what keeps me coming back to a blog"...
    gasp...look at that beautiful belly painting..
    you are a goddess:):):)

  5. Yes!! I completely agree and love these things in your blog as well. So glad you found me!(and second Bending Birches about the belly painting)

  6. Andreann, I am so happy to have "met" you, too! I like dropping by for a read here and there...and you have all those qualities you like, too! Thank you so much, mama, for all your kind words regarding my sweet little girl. The support and kindness means a lot right now. I'm feeling a wee bit overwhelmed and it's nice to feel the comfort. Blessings to you!
    xo Jules


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