Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pratical Magic Party: Cauldron Magic

We're doing it this year too! Last year, I showed you how I make my teeny tiny hand bound spellbooks. It was fun, and I tried to come up with something PM raleted, but not so obvious. But they do, at one point in the film (Gilly's exorcism) make a bubbly smelly potion so I thought about explaining you some basic of Potion Making, and I took some pictures to go along. Enjoy!

First, making a potion can be very simple, as it can be very elaborate... I better like simple! Since not all of us has access to bonfire in the middle of a meadow or on a shore, I'll propose you something most of us has but seldom use; a chocolate fondue kit. You know the one you can put a tea light under? It makes reasonable size potion and you can safely brew you potion all day long with that. I opted for my big red cauldron in the picture, because.... It makes great pictures ;)

You'll need:
  • Cauldron/Fondu kit/ Pot-pourris Burner
  • Tea light
  • Glass stick, or twig, or wooden spoon (those are great since you can carve symbols into them!)
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Ideally Spring Water, but boiled tap water can do.
  • Herbs and Essential Oils

Herbs can be substituted by their essential oils, and vice versa. For herbs, you need to crush them hard enough to break them and free their essence, but turning them into dust isn't a necessity.

Previously take your water to boil. By the way, if you don't have any fondue kit, you can makey your potion on your conventional oven, you just have to watch it more closely when it brew. Pour it in your cauldron. At his point you can request help from the fire and water element. As a rule of thumb, have about 2 tablespoon of herb for a cup of water. Crush each of them into your mortar and sprinkle on the water. If you feel like strengthening your potion, you can say aloud the name of the herbs/oils you add and why you do so (ex: "Ginger for success", "Rosemary for memory", "Pine for ideas"...).

You can also say something like:

By the Fire and Water,
By the essence of (herb),
Make it as I wish!

When all your herbs and oils are in, let them soak while your think of your goal. Concentrate on it, and when you feel like it's the time, take your stick and stir 3 times; counter-clockwise for banishing potions, clockwise for others. You can also say aloud your goal.

You can also say a more complex incantation, like this one:

By Water and Fire, By the Air and the Earth,
May the hidden powers come to help,
And grant me my wish.
(Ain't it harm none) It is my will, so mote it be!

The potion we made in yesterday was:

Calming Potion

Lavender (+ 5 oil drops)
St. John's Worth

Hope you all enjoyed! It is very fun to do and it leaves your house smelling good, so I hope you'll try this at home. It can be a really fun thing to do with the kids (Mariann couldn't stop throwing chamomile until there was no more...). Or just by yourself... It is a very relaxing activity, and if time allows you, you can meditate on it afterwards.

I also want to wish you all a very Blessed Mabon! Autumn is here, goodbye Summer, I'll miss you! This year I plan to celebrate and enjoy autumn as much as possible. The scar is healing, I don't hate you anymore, Autumn, so let's be bodies!

For some more magic, head up there and enjoy the party!

Practical Magic Blog Party



  1. thank you for the beautiful post! what gorgeous pictures as well. happy mabon! stop by and have a look at my practical magic post if you have time!

  2. Marianne makes a fabulous little witch. It looks like she had fun brewing potions with her mama. I love the idea of using a fondue set for potions. You see them at thrift stores all the time and now I have a reason to buy one. Blessed Equinox to you and yours.


  3. AWWWW, cutest post ever! I LOVE your little red witch, and all the other wonderful pics i see posted :)


  4. What a cute lil witch! I loved your post! xo-cindy

  5. What a beautiful caldron and little witch. Great party you are having.

  6. Wonderful post, and very eye-catching pictures. I love the bright red on your little witch. Looks like you guys had fun!

  7. Thank you for the recipe and making me smile with the pictures of your tiny red witch. She is beyond precious. Stop by my enchanted oven and have PM cookie or two.

  8. I love your spells and your little witch is just so sweet. She cast a spell on my hart. I have enjoyed my stay her so much that I have to join your blog.

  9. Your little dear one is just precious. I enjoyed this post thoroughly and loved all the photos. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us and bring a some wonderful light to the day.

    Bright autumn blessings to you,

  10. A very blessed Mabon to you too. You have the cutest little witch running around your home.
    Thank you very much for the wonderful recipe.
    Have a magical weekend.

  11. What a wonderful PM post, love your choice of potion and your little helper is darling!

  12. Such a lovely post and Marriane is just the cutest little witch Ever! Happy 2nd Annual Practical Magic Blog Party! Hope you’ll drop by:

  13. I had a lovely time at your PM party. It was nice meeting the sweet brew master, she was so very sweet. Thank you for sharing. Please visit me :

  14. I love your pots! And your little girl is an adorable witchy princess; what an adorable hat too.

    Thanks for partying along!

  15. I absolutely adored your post so much that I am a new follower. I can't wait to read more of your blog! I never thought to use a fondue kit to make potions!!GENIUS!! Yours is by far my favorite post I've read yet! Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting! Just awesome!

    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`*SANDI

  16. fabulous post, your little witch is so adorable and cute in her red outfit. Love the cauldron magic, swear I could smell the lavender coming through the pc screen.

    Happy Witching

    J x

  17. What a darling post and I love the wee one in her red!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your post with all of us for the Practical Magic Blog Party! Lovely to visit with you!

    LuLu Kellogg

  18. What a sweet little witch! Thanks for a most lovely Practical Magic post! :) Please feel free to come and visit with me, too. :)
    Sincerely, Theresa

  19. Your little witch helper made me smile, it's always special when kids join in.

    Happy PM...


  20. What a wonderfully magical post! I am going to try your potion....I plan on enjoying and celebrating Autumn in all it's glory this year too! I am going to pull my Autumn Equinox book out from the shelf right now! I won it last year from a blog giveaway and I didn't get to read it all then....but I will this year! Thank you for such an inspirational party!

  21. Happy Mabon! what a wonderful post! I copied, pasted and saved your stuff from last year, and I did the same tonight :)
    Wishing you lots of fun with your little ones!

  22. Your little witch is so adorable! Great post and pics! thanks for sharing!

  23. Goodness!! Your little red witch with her matching red cauldron is beyond adorable! I also love the mini spellbook and I will definitely remember the calming potion as I just might need one after all the brownies I've consumed! Thank you so much for sharing this delightful post and being a part of our party again this year :)


  24. what a magical post! thanks so much!!!!

  25. A delightful post with so much information...
    Thank You !!

  26. Hi Andréann,

    Cauldron magic is perfect for the PM party! I loved all the photos you took -- your little witch is so very cute. :)

    Magical Times,

  27. What a lovely post with beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing, Michelle

  28. Brilliant pictures, and it looks like a great helper too!

  29. Wonderful post!! What a cute little witch:)

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Meanderings

  30. What a darling little witch Marianne is! That photo of her in the big witch's hat is just adorable. This was a lovely post, thank you!


    Victoria from Brushstrokes

  31. What a lovely potion and beautiful daughter! You are truly blessed! Happy Blog Party Weekend!

  32. Such a great post! Girly looks beautiful in her red hat and little red stockings! Too cute! Thanks for coming by my blog for my PM post.


  33. Gorgeous cauldron and such a cute little witch you have. I loved all your pictures, I think I might have to try and make a potion.

  34. Very lovely! Thanks for sharing. Your family is beautiful :)

  35. I am loving that big red hat on that tiny cute witch. Super post!

  36. Great little post! I simply love the little witch! What a cutie! Adorable little book, too! Thanks for sharing with us!

  37. Thank you so much for the little lesson on brewing in the cauldron. I loved the pics of the little witch. It was so nice to drop by for your party, please visit...
    Spells and Wishes,
    Wendy from wonderland

  38. The potions were divine!! Thanks for sharing! Hope you had a blessed Mabon and a wonderful fall season! Sorry so late!!


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