Mariann requested Tinkerbell slippers. I made them pattern-free.
Apparently, I can't find/make time for blogging.
Might have to do with the fact that 3 years of sleep deprivation are currently hitting me hard in the face.
Might have to do with the fact that I try going on the computer a little less.
Might be because I wonder how can I enhance my blog. What is very worth blogging and how should it look. I bought a domain ( and will transfer my little mama-made doll boutique and blogging there, on our own servers and being independent from google and the like.
another cupcake dress, my pattern. Harry Potter dress from a t-shirt, again my pattern. She's still very into HP. I've got back to sewing in between my rows of knitting. (I'm doing great at that, actually!) I've made two hoodies using this
awesome pattern. It's the first time I use a pattern for something, I feel like cheating! Both were done with fabrics found in thrift store. I just grab any stretch piece of fabric I find. There was not enough of the grey one left to make the hood of the pattern so I went with my signature pointy hood for Mariann :)
This is all the food I made when I started making food. They are all in a bin waiting for my kids to be a little older and actually play with it and not just throwing it all everywhere.
We celebrated Imbolc 2 weeks ago (already!) and I'm so looking forward to Ostara and welcoming Spring. The view below is our backyard, and I'm longing for the snow to melt so we can resume our little walk in the woods. But Winter is here to stay for a whole other month, and meanwhile we get ourselves under blankets and brew each other's favourite tea.

My big boy there is now 18 month old. How fast time goes? He speaks so much! He fellows Mariann in her games. And her, getting taller everyday, knowing all of the letters and starting to read syllables. It's going so fast, and I'm aching to be pregnant again.
So this was it, in case some of you missed me. Now as I'm slowly sketching what the new blog will be in my head, was is it that you like to most in my blog?