My Boyfriend's family a profoundly catholic, and the funeral happened at their village church; where herself, all her children got married, where her children and most of her grand-kid got baptised, where her husband was burried... A really nice, light church facing the huge Saint-Laurent river (50+km wide), with mostly Saintes surrounding Jésus (maybe 10 saints out of 11 were woman) statues.
The ceremony trully was about her. Since it was a diacre instead of a priest that was giving the ceremony, they couldn't have a communion with an ostie... so my mother in law cut a bread in little pieces, a bread she makes with her mother in law's recipe, and that was their communion ostie.
My younger sister in law, who is 16, read a text she wrote for her grand-mother, she is the youngest cousins out of something like 70 cousins. A

The older son and the youngest daugther lighted the pascal flame, the priest surrunded the coffin with incense and, one after the other, her children spread water on her coffin. A gorgeous montage of flower was mounting the coffin. The 14 of them surrunded her, holding hands. This part was the most touching for me, as you know I'm pagan, and that for me was casting a protection circle.
Another wife read a text about the seasons of her life, this one was great, too.
There wasn't any pre-fabricated text that you insert the name of the departed while talking about Jesus; The diacre trully talked about her, about love.
The church was full, and most was her children and descendant. 100+ persons, this not counting wifes and husbands, holding each other.
The weather was awesome for this time of the year, the sun was shinning.
That does sound beautiful. I'm sorry for you and your boyfriend's lose.